Gene Simmons – Tongue

Being a baritone made Gene Simmons a crucial member of the band Kiss. As the bassist and lead singer for the famous band, Gene’s peculiar voice contrasts with that of Stanley and Peter Criss’ well. This is one the most significant factors that makes their music all the more powerful and memorable. The artists are also able to fully express their music, thanks to the make-up and costumes they don.

Their live performances are legendary and Gene helps ensure that, with his infamous tongue tricks. You’ve seen the photos – perhaps, you’ve even seen them live – but there’s no arguing that Gene and the band’s theatrics is a sight to see. No wonder he chose to insure his tongue for $1 million!

Michael Flatley – Feet

Michael Flatley is a dancing champion who rose to fame through his performances in Riverdance. He also holds a Guinness World Record for tap dancing 35 times per second. Aside from these, the famed dancer had been part of other productions such as Lord of the Dance, Feet of Flames, and Celtic Tiger Live. Michael’s talent in dancing was further highlighted in the shows he had produced and directed, which were all highly successful.

He was also recognized for his innovative skills and contribution when it comes to recreating traditional Irish dance. Given his profession, Flatley purchased an insurance policy of $57.6 million for his feet. This is a precaution should he become severely injured and be unable to continue performing.

Taylor Swift – Legs

Much like other performers on our list, Taylor Swift also saw it fit to insure an important part of her body as a precaution. No, it’s not her hands. The singer insured her legs for $40 million-knowing its value for her as a live performer and endorser. Given the fact that she always gives 100% when on stage, it was only smart of her to do so.

Besides, the $40 million she paid for it is more than enough to ensure her livelihood in the event of an injury that might keep her from performing for a while. It’s quite inspiring to see someone so young, yet so wise when making investments. We sure hope she’s giving her health the same level of attention!

David Beckham – Legs

As one of the most famous and wealthiest athlete in the world, David Beckham has every reason to ensure his livelihood-especially since he has a family to care for. The former professional football player is recognized as one of the best in the sport. His legacy is certainly one of the books, which isn’t too surprising giving the degree of skill he has displayed throughout the years.

In fact, he has also been inducted into the English Football Hall of Fame and is a global ambassador of the sport. David is a British cultural icon and an endorser for many different top brands. It is because of this reason that he insured his legs and face for $195 million back in 2006.

Jimmy Durante – Nose

Have you ever seen a picture of Jimmy Durante? He has a prominent nose that has helped him achieve success as an actor, comedian, singer, and pianist. Sure, some people might poke fun at him for it, but it has become Jimmy’s trademark and he is quite proud of it to boot. The actor has, more than once, referred to it as a schnozzola, which is an Italian term for big nose.

Aside from its size, Jimmy also often uses his nose as the subject of his jokes-much to the delight of his audiences. He understood that his nose is his biggest asset when it comes to his career, which is why he decided to take out an insurance policy for it amounting to $8 million.

Angela Mount – Taste buds

Angela Mount is famous for her career as a wine expert. She is often a senior judge in many major wine competitions. She is also a TV presenter and writer, who is a regular contributor to Daily Mail, Harpers Wine Magazine, and other publications. Angela’s expertise in wine compelled her former employers to purchase an insurance policy for her taste buds, which amounts to almost $13 million.

Somerfield knew that her skill relies on this part of her body, hence why they sought to protect it. Angela’s fantastic ability to find the right flavor of wine for every customer doesn’t just benefit her, of course, it also provided more business for Somerfield. After all, she is a rarity in the industry.

Gennaro Pelliccia – Taste buds

Costa Coffee is a coffeehouse chain and a subsidiary of the Coca-Cola Company. They are famous for their roasted coffee, which helped them expand and have branches in over 31 countries. Part of their success could be attributed to their expert coffee taster, Gennaro Pelliccia. In fact, as part of their investments, Costa Coffee even got his tongue insured for $13.3 million.

In an interview, Gennaro revealed that he is able to distinguish thousands of different flavors in a cup of coffee. He uses this skill to detect if there are any defects in the product. It is an excellent business decision for Costa to have insured their greatest asset, but we can imagine the pressure it added on Gennaro’s shoulders.

Adam Lambert – Vocal cords

Although Adam Lambert did not end up winning the title for the eighth season of American Idol, he did receive much success with his career after the show. He has managed to sell over 3 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide! His excellent musicality has also earned him a nomination in the Grammy Awards for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance.

Adam, acknowledging the instrument he uses in order to succeed, decided to get an insurance policy that is worth of $48 million for his vocal cords. He once said in an interview that his voice is his bread and butter, and as such he wanted to protect it. This is also his way of ensuring his future, should he become unable to sing anymore.

Alicia Keys – Hands

Alicia Keys is an award-winning singer and songwriter, as well as a classically-trained pianist. Aside from her golden voice, that’s both soulful and powerful, her other claim to fame his her skillful piano playing. It always leaves people in awe, watching the way her fingers glide expertly and smoothly across ivory keys. This is one of the highlights of her performances as well.

While Alicia had always been more on the humble side when it comes to luxuries, she did not hesitate to purchase a $1 million insurance for her hands. After all, other than the piano, her hands are also instruments that allow her to make music. It’s only fitting that she should take measures to protect it and her career in the process.

Jamie Lee Curtis – Legs

American actress Jamie Lee Curtis is known for her nickname as “Scream Queen”, thanks to her superb performances in many different horror films. She has appeared in cult classics, such as The Fog, Prom Night, and Terror Train. Aside from the horror genre, Jamie is also known for her comedic genius, for which she has garnered much praise.

Her performance in the film Trading Places won her an award for Best Supporting Actress from British Academy Film Awards. The actress is also a major endorser. In fact, she was once the spokeswoman for L’eggs Reliance’s long-wear pantyhose. For this project, the company even chose to insure her legs for $2.8 million. An investment that we’re sure, surprised many back in 1996!
