For many years, a lot of people have been asking the secret behind Donna Mills’ everlasting youth. Considering that she’s already 79 and will enter her 80s at the end of the year, she is clearly head and shoulders above the peers of her age. Many of her fans speculate that she put up a considerable chunk of her assets for various skincare products, considering that this is what most wealthy mature women would do to stay young. However, Donna is still yet to verify that.

What we can say confidently is that, because of her natural beauty, she was able to make the most out of her looks. That’s one of the perks of having good genes. Having good genes is undeniably one of the most significant factors to staying beautiful even at an advanced age. Genes can’t fake someone’s looks. Credits to Mills’ DNA, Mills continues to age flawlessly, and we think it runs in the family.
